Physical-chemical properties: texture, pH, carbonates content, organic matter, salinity. Nutritional status (N, P, K, S, Ca). Specific chemical properties: cation exchange capacity, buffing capacity
Characterization of soil organic matter: physical fractions (granulometry, densimetry), and / or biochemicals (acid hydrolysis, alkaline extraction, quantification of humic / fulvic acids and humine acids).
Quantification of weakened (fractions), recalcitrant and refractory fractions. Biochemical characterization: carbohydrates, polyphenols, aromatic C forms, lipids. Quantification of forms of C by NMR.
Evaluation of biological fertility: microbial activity under standard conditions (respirometry), microbial biomass.
Nutrient content: basic (N, P, K, Ca, etc.) and micronutrients (Fe, Cu, Zn, etc.). Contaminants: Heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Pb …).
Biochemical characterization: water-soluble, lipids, hemicellulose, cellulose, lignin, total amount of carbohydrates, total phenols.
Physical characterization (sifted, granulometric fractionation). Chemical characterization: content total of N, P, K. Other nutrients: Ca, S, etc. Evaluation of solubilisation and availability rates: experiences of successive washes, evolution inside the soil, experiences of incubation in controlled conditions or semi-controlled.
d. Analysis and characterization of solid organic fertilizers: pellets and composts
Elemental analysis (C, H, O, N). Basic nutrients: phosphorus, sulfide, potassium. Micronutrients and heavy metals.
Wealth in humid substances. Physical properties: water retention capacity, porosity.
Elemental analysis (C, H, O, N). Nutrients (P, S, K, Ca). Wealth in humming fractions. Salinity.
Detailed biochemical characterization: carbohydrates, lipids, phenols, protein, amino acids

Essays and development of new products