A / Agroforestry biofuels

a) Analysis and sampling services (according to the current regulation)a.1. Different material sampling (splinter, deposits, static truck, forest material in situ)
a.2. Analytical service of agroforestry Biofuel characterisation (splinter, pellet, briquettes, bones, shells, sub products, etc.) Evaluation of the physical and chemical characteristics, and measurement of the aptitude for the different energetic valorisation processes.
- Analysis of different solid biofuel samples (granulometry, humidity, heating power, element analysis, volatile material, ash content, density, mechanic longevity of the pellet). Specifications and biofuel types
- Humidity content analysis of the biomass (timber, wood rolls, etc.)
b)Scientific and technical advice to enterprises and administrations (producers, providers, agroforestry biomass consumers)
- b.1. Forestry splinter quality and storage
- b.2. Territorial analysis of the distribution, production capacity and supply potential (viability and logistic studies of the forestry uses chain and biomass supply)
- b.3. Sizing for installations and energetic applications for forestry biomass
- b.4. Business and production plan of solid biofuels
- b.5. Label and brand quality setting, traceability and carbon footprint of the products
- b.6. Energy crops. Design of the plantation, harvesting, production and market
B / Forest exploitation

c)Analysis, monitoring andoptimization of forest exploitation activities
- c.1. Support for innovation in processes, performance improvement and cost optimization
- c.2. Haulage techniques, forest road network
- c.3. Analysis of the market of round wood and sub-products
C / Training

On-line training and/or classroom training adapted to the field of biomass and forest exploitation value chain