We perform on-site inspections and diagnosis of structures and wood elements through specific exploration techniques, such as thermographic analysis, resistographic profiles or acoustic detection of xylophagous insects. We also analyse the incidence of defects caused by material degradation and other structural type alterations. All the elements of the structure are analysed in detail. Data such as the wood resistant class or the sanitary state of conservation I provided. We also recommend constructive solutions adapted to each particular case.
A) Structural Elements Evaluation

Presence, location and size of clinkers. Organoleptic printing
Presence of biotic or abiotic attacks. Assessment of the extent of attacks by calculating the sonic response
Humidity of the specific zone
Presence, location and size of clinkers. Organoleptic printing
Presence of biotic or abiotic attacks. Assessment of the extent of attacks by calculating the sonic response
Humidity of the specific zone
B) Tools and novel techniques
Ultrasonic Waveform speed. Thermographic vision analysis
Resistor profiles
Acoustic detection of xylophagous insects. Consideration of other physical-mechanical properties
Ultrasonic Waveform speed. Thermographic vision analysis
Resistor profiles
Acoustic detection of xylophagous insects. Consideration of other physical-mechanical properties
C) Information for the Executive project
Individual reports of each element. Graphic information and summary tables by zones. Statistical analysis of results.
Interpretation of the data. Specific conclusions. Technical executive recommendations
Interpretation of the data. Specific conclusions. Technical executive recommendations
D) Highlight works

Castell de la Floresta (Floresta Castle – National Good of Cultural Interest), Fábrica la Igualadina Cotonera (La Igualadina Cotton Fabrique in Igualada – National Good of Cultural Interest), Fàbrica Trebat (Trapat Fabrique in Tàrrega – Good part from the architectonic heritage inventory), El Roser (The Roser in Lleida – Good part from the architectonic heritage inventory), Castell de la Mogoda (Mogoda Castle in Santa Perpètua de la Mogoda), Palau Mercader (Mercader Palace), Barcelona Edifici Mentora Alsina (Mentora Alsina Barcelona Building in Barcelona), Capella de Sant Miquel del Reial Monestir de Pedralbes (Sant Miquel Church in the Pedralbes Royal Monastery in Barcelona), Hospital de Santa Maria (Santa Maria Hospital in Lleida), Complex Escocesa (Escoseca Complex Building in barcelona), Teatre Foment de Piera (Foment Theatre in Piera), Mercat de Vallvidreda (Vallvidrera Market in Barcelona), Complex Industrial Can Ricart (Can Ricart Industrial Complex in Barcelona).