Through the CTFC team with more than 15 years of experience in applied research on forest plantations, FBS offers a comprehensive transfer service and support for the design, installation and maintenance of all types of forest plantation initiatives. FBS accompanies the client throughout the process, advising on the potentiality of the land, the design and installation of the plantation and its management. The main tree species with which it is worked are hardwoods producing quality wood (walnut, cherry, ash, maple, serbal, etc.), Pinus pinea. We have experience with various types of multifunctional plantations, with the main protective, landscaping or productive purpose, both in forestry, agriculture and agroforestry.

Design and planning of forest plantations. Diagnostic, implantation and monitoring service in collaboration with the owner / promoter: design and management plan of the most suitable plantation adapted to the farm conditions according to the objectives of the property:
- Climate and soil evaluation
- Identification of viable species
- Plantation design
- Soil preparation methodology
- Adaptive planting and maintenance techniques
- Installation, maintenance and plant management plans
- Evaluation of costs and benefits
- Assessment of the growth and measurement of absorbed carbon

Specialized management of plantations with species of high added valueSupport service in the most critical tasks of plantations with high added value species:
- Evaluation of the plant material quality.
- Pruning of quality wooden plantations.
- Grapefruit pine (Pinus pinea) in plantations and natural regenerates of Alepo pine ( halepensis).
- Phytosanitary diagnosis.
- Design and marking of clearings in plantations.

Social programs linked to tree plantations
Coordination and implementation services of social initiatives for tree plantations , both by advise services or holistic project development.
Coordination and implementation services of social initiatives for tree plantations , both by advise services or holistic project development.
- Environmental education
- Corporative Social Responsibility
- Labour insertion training programs

Technical visits
We conduct in-field consulting through technical field visits to evaluate the plot potential, interpretation of soil analysis and technical advice for the plantation management and design: competing vegetation management, irrigation, prevention of damage caused by fauna and design and application of pruning and thinning.
We conduct in-field consulting through technical field visits to evaluate the plot potential, interpretation of soil analysis and technical advice for the plantation management and design: competing vegetation management, irrigation, prevention of damage caused by fauna and design and application of pruning and thinning.

EApplied training
Adapted training in the classroom or in the field, designed specifically for audiences with different levels of technical training. Theoretical and practical formation is provided in all of the phases of a reforestation or plantation projects, from the potential evaluation, plantation design or the maintenance and management techniques.
Adapted training in the classroom or in the field, designed specifically for audiences with different levels of technical training. Theoretical and practical formation is provided in all of the phases of a reforestation or plantation projects, from the potential evaluation, plantation design or the maintenance and management techniques.