IMAGINE Innovative End-to-end Management of Dynamic Manufacturing Networks - FP7-2011-NMP-ICT-FoF
Virtual Factories and enterprises
The IMAGINE Project has addressed the problems related to the management of dynamic manufacturing networks, developing a collaborative platform for the production activities, considering also innovation aspects, which covers in a global and distributed way stakeholders, mainly SMEs, and equipment which perform production activities in a collaborative manner. Furthermore, methods for the management of these dynamic manufacturing networks have been implemented in order to provide a global and coordinated view of the information about the different systems involved in the whole value chain during the production activities. The definition and launching of âLiving Labsâ in the industrial sections previously introduced has allowed the implementation, testing, evaluation and dissemination of the ITC platform and the methodology proposed by IMAGINE. These five virtual laboratories have enabled the starting up of the developed methodology applying it to the corresponding industrial environments.
Keywords: value chain, manufacturing, furniture, networks
Geographical scale: International
Country: Other